In this report we want to focus on the Character First progress with the Metro Police and to give an overview of the highlights in establishing a solid character-based culture in the Metro Police.
1. Lets start with some background
Character First Awareness training Pilot Discussion Group
This was a presentation for a small group as we have decided to orientate an awareness group first. This was a morning session for certain senior officials as we have agreed that this will be the vital link to coordinate the roll out. The focus on this training was about the following:
The history of Character First/ ethics training as development tool
Why the need for character First in Business, cities and communities
The 49 qualities
The next steps for implementation and roll out
Below are some of the delegates from the Western Cape Metro Police during the awareness presentation
2. The purpose of the intervention
The two days interventions were spelled out as follows:
Delivering the actual two day interactive process with the emphasis on the following within a policing environment:
Breakdown of Character versus Ethical Climate in Policing
Integration of good character qualities in Policing environment
Defining ethics in policing environment
The role of Character in building positive community relations
Character based correction and standards
Dealing with character based recognition
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with practical outcomes
Improve ethical climate within law enforcement content
The true test of character is our reactions to the pressure of difficult situations and it is what we do when we think no one will ever know. Building character in the workplace will definitely help with the following
Enhances morale and personal relationships
Improves quality
Develops relationships
Lowers costs due to accidents
Cultivates supplier relationships
Increases productivity
Stephen Covey said it so beautifully. I’m convinced that 90% of failures in life are character failures, not ability failures
I personally believe we must stop employee of the month way of doing recognition and replace it by recognizing each and every employee on a regular basis publicly for recognizing good character. Remember Character is not your personality, it is not religion. It is an inner sense of right and wrong. Character is modeled and built on a moment-by-moment basis by the decisions we make. Hire, promote and even discipline according to good character and competence. Strive for a balance between the two aspects
3. Milestones reached so far
We open the course every time by asking the following question
What challenges are you facing in Metro Police right now?
The answers were clear and very similar every time. Looking at those challenges in the workplace it is clear to me that we are facing the same challenges and that it is caused by similar root causes. My concern is that programs, rules and regulations alone will not solve these problems. Good character is the inward motivation to do what is right, according to the highest standards of behaviour in every situation
What I like about Character First as industrial psychologist is that good character transcends age, position, financial status, race religion, education, gender and personality. It springs from the heart. You see the true test of character is our reactions to the pressure of difficult situations and it is what we do when we think no one will ever know
August 2009: We have trained also in August our first group from Western Metro Police as well as making a video pledge on Justice with the delegates. You can watch this video on and click on marketplace. Afterwards we received the following letter of the coordinator.
Dear Mario
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that SGT. Comba who was on your Ethics course has been shot and killed. The pledge video that you made has become very valuable to his colleagues and family.
I will speak to on Monday about the next roll out dates.
Kind regards
Bradley Lackay
Other groups have also been trained and in total 123staff have attended the training
This training in the Metro Police is still going strong and so far 123 staff members have been trained in the skills of implementing Character First
Training participants in handling a character first certificate presentation
4. The way forward: Sustainability
We have now reached a critical stage in the project as it is now all about sustainability We are therefore recommend the following action plans
1. Our first recommendation will be that we take the senior staff through the same training as they need to uphold the application of good character within the Metro Police. A small team have to be nominated for taking the accountability to the next level
2. Discussion on monthly basis one character Quality. Putting people on a course like this is only one facet of character based culture training and development. Class room training must be supported by what happened during the rest of the day week and month. Quality bulletins reinforce each quality character as each bulletin provide information. The questions in each bulletin is vital and make a huge difference. This will help that everyone in organisation understands the priority given in developing a character based culture within the organisation.
3. Recognizing the opportunity to publicly recognizing employees for solid character
Train more senior team in a one day facilitation session the nuts and bolts
4. Circulate bulletins to all staff. This is a must and will keep the process alive and will be w wonderful resources for staff to apply this wherever they are
5. Must be part of HR practices like including this as part of hiring, performance management and dealing and correcting correction as well as self assessments during the year and even during team building sessions. A character based culture assessment is also available
5. Summary
In a nutshell: I want to congratulate Metro Police for taking the first steps in developing a character Based culture. You are definitely on the right track and we urge you to keep up the pace. Also my personal thanks for Bradley Lackay (Senior Superintendent Quality Assurance and Skills Development Training and Development Safety and Security /Metropolitan Police Academy ) and his team with all the arrangements re the logistics
The experiences that I have picked up during personally training these 123 delegates are the same if I compare it with the words of other participants who have completed the character training also
Dr Johann Oostenbrink, Camino Consultancy (Specialising in Organisational Development).
Character First seminars opened my eyes to the fact that character determines your destiny. That is true for individuals as well as organisations, companies and work-teams. Together the basic and advanced seminars provided me with tools, not only to develop character in individuals but also to build organisations that are character-based in all they do, whether it is strategising, decision-making, marketing, client-service or hiring, trust-building, motivating and disciplining
Minette Oelshig from Bundi Adventures
Character First stimulates introspection as well as provides the tools and knowledge to implement and develop the incredibly important value of strong character traits. It is beneficial to any organisation, family, or individual. It challenges you to be better and changes the way you look at individuals.
Wiehann van Zyl
Character First has been packaged in such a way that it appeals to the everyday world. Opposed to normal performance appraisals, Character First provides a means of measuring performance at an intrinsic or personal level. It is value based, uplifting the person and achievement. CF is not a management style, it is an investment in the life of your employees.
.Toby Brouwer: Executive Director. Beautiful Gate International
Thanks again for the great seminar. I just spoke to our executive director of Beautiful Gate in Lesotho and he tells me they also did you’re course at the beginning of the year in Jburg and they are currently busy implementing this into their organization. I recommend this course to everyone who is passionate about people and people development. Seeing godly character being develop in people so that organizations are being transformed from the inside out through sound practice based on godly principles.
Bernadine de Winnaar: Human Resources Manager Vital Health Foods
Thank you for the brilliant programme and two days of pure inspiration. We are excited about implementing character first and are hoping that we would not only touch the minds but also the heart of individuals. I believe that this would impact positively in the workplace but also have a ripple effect on the relationships at home and in the community. We would be able to built better and stronger families and communities. You cannot walk away from Character first without being touched and inspired to change!
Wendy Groenewald form Vital Health Foods
Thank you for such an interesting and informative couple of days. I really look forward to implementing CF at Vital as it could make such a tremendous difference not only to the Company itself, but to the lives and families of those who work here. We fail to recognise the soft issues are our current performance management system and CF will put this right.
Be someone who operates on the leading edge of Character development in your workplace.
Contact us for a deeper discussion of the design of these innovative, turning point and high impact character development events to enhance your individual, team and organisational character performance and productivity.
Regards from Dr Mario Denton
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