Sunday, November 14, 2010

Character First implementation like never before!

On my flight back from the USA, I reflected on the future of Character First! here in Africa as well as what I was going to do with the newly acquired information. I have one serious request at this time: I am trusting God for 100 committed, passionate Character First! ambassadors that we can train as Character First! coordinators and leaders. 

Character truly matters- In our organistions, our families and our nation.
See the example of Coca Cola's training and how they made Character training matter in the organisation. Custom designed Character Bulletins for their organisation.  Customised banners and bulletins can be made and this emphasize the importance of the training to the rest of the company.

If you would like to get involved, please send me an email to or contact our office at +21 979 3198 right now for further details. Additional information can also be obtained by visiting